I still desperately want one of these

This is a hackle comb for making choice wild blended yarns from multicolored pieces of fleece.  I did a workshop and watched with amazement as our tutor transformed sorts of snippets and leftovers into the most incredible yarns  

As I haven't got a hackle yet ( big hint here to Mr Handspinning)  I am using a fellow crafters large wool combs attached to the table so I can be even more creative with my spinning of novelty yarns  In case you have forgotten what the hand combs look like, here they are   - they are pretty handy for blending fleece and other materials into multicolored too I have discovered

Raw materials for starting the blended yarn 

in the absence of a hackle we have jacked up a  home made clamp to convert large wool combs for more working area

"Tools" of the trade - large coat buttons  ( instead of a diz) and my grandmothers crochet hook

Results of multicolored fleece handspun and plied using Navajo method 

Using my coat button as a diz - this is what happens when you move and can't find the things you put "in a safe place" and carefully label so you won't lose them ! Drawing the multicolored fleece through a diz blends it and makes it easier and more even to spin 

So kind of him !
After watching my struggles Mr Handspinning decided to make me a wooden clamp. You can see how fine and how long the blended roving is and how even - it sure is great to spin like this. 

Another cool piece of  fleece drawn out into a roving for spinning 
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Of course this Wild Drum Carder would be the absolute ultimate to card my multi yarns and make really zany yarn with fabric, bits of wool, string, tinsel and other trimmings normally ditched as too small to use - On my wish list !!

